google ads showing up on google

7 Proven Strategies to Improve Your Google Responsive Search Ads

As Google Ads continues evolving, Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) have emerged in recent times as a powerful tool to improve ad performance. By leveraging machine learning, RSAs dynamically mix and match headlines and descriptions, tailoring them to each user’s search intent. However, optimising RSAs can be challenging. In this post, we’ll dive into actionable strategies to improve your Google Responsive Search Ads, helping you boost performance, engagement, and conversion rates.

1. Use Diverse Headlines & Descriptions

The strength of RSAs lies in variety. Google allows up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions, creating thousands of potential ad combinations. To make the most of this flexibility, create multiple headlines that emphasise different aspects of your product or service. Avoid repetition—each headline should bring something fresh to the table.

Pro tip: Ensure at least 3 of your headlines don’t include keywords. This not only prevents your ads from becoming repetitive but also showcases unique value propositions beyond keywords.

2. Highlight Unique Selling Points (USPs) in Every Headline

Differentiate your business by emphasising various USPs in each headline. For example, you could highlight free shipping in one, limited-time discounts in another, and quality guarantees in a third. Varying the content will maximise the potential for Google to deliver the most relevant message for the user’s query.

3. Vary Headline & Description Lengths

Google doesn’t always display all three headlines or two descriptions—especially on mobile devices. To improve the chances of your ads displaying the full content, vary the lengths of your headlines and descriptions. By mixing short and long variants, you allow Google more flexibility to serve the best-fit ads for different screens and contexts.

4. Pinning: Use Sparingly

Pinning allows you to lock specific headlines or descriptions in place. While this can be useful for essential brand messages or disclaimers, it also restricts Google’s ability to test and optimise your ad variations. According to WordStream, “Pinning just one headline reduces the amount of testing Google can perform by over 75%!” . Pin only when absolutely necessary to keep your RSAs dynamic and flexible.

5. Analyse the Combinations Report

Google’s combinations report is a powerful tool that shows which combinations of headlines and descriptions are being served most frequently. This can offer insights into which messaging resonates with your audience, allowing you to fine-tune your ads further without resorting to excessive pinning.

6. Leverage Insights from Top-Performing Ads

If you’ve previously run successful Expanded Text Ads (ETAs) or other campaigns, review your top performers and incorporate elements from those into your RSA headlines and descriptions. This helps maintain consistency in performance while giving your RSAs a head start with proven copy.

7. Use Ad Variants to Test Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

With so many combinations possible, RSAs present the perfect opportunity to experiment with different CTAs. Try variants such as “Get a Free Quote” or “Learn More Today” to see which ones drive more conversions. Continually monitor performance and adjust as needed.


Responsive Search Ads provide digital marketers with incredible flexibility to serve the right message to the right audience. By using varied headlines, sparingly pinning key elements, and leveraging performance data, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of your RSAs and maximise ROI for your Google Ads campaigns.

For more best practices, check out WordStream’s guide to responsive search ads for an in-depth breakdown of strategies that can take your RSAs to the next level.


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